Homeopathy for Women
Homeopathy for female diseases infertility dysmenorrhea pcos pcod fibroids fibroadenoma menopause PMS etc

Homeopathy is based on the principle of like cures like. This law has been confirmed by thousands of people since then and has been found by Dr. Hahnemann then further developed this idea, proved hundreds of new medicines, developed methods of preparation and administration of medicines and also gave many guidelines regarding health and disease, thus giving birth to a complete and new system of medicine.
The levels of homeopathic therapy
Level 1: First Aid
Homeopathy can be used in first aid in sprains and bruises, minor cuts & burns, skin irritations.
Level 2: Acute Homeopathy
Acute health problems are temporary conditions, such as colds, flu, coughs, food poisoning, etc. It not only treats but also improves immunity to reduce further occurrences.
Level 3: Constitutional Homeopathy
Constitutional homeopathy refers to the treatment of a person as a whole, including past and present symptoms of body and mind. It removes toxins, improves body’s physiological functions and controls the pathological damage to body. It is the holistic approach to control the disorder
Amenorrhea means the absence of the menstrual period. One of the most common causes of amenorrhea is hormonal disturbance. The interplay of female sex hormones can be disrupted by a wide range of events, including diseases of the reproductive organs, weight loss, emotional stress or over exercising.
Labor & Delivery
Homeopathy has treatment for complaints during labor (delivery) like ineffective contractions, unbearable pains, prolonged labor, after pains etc.
Pre-Menopause (PMS) & Menopause
Menopause is a natural part of aging, and occurs when the ovaries stop making hormones called estrogens. Low estrogen levels are linked to some uncomfortable symptoms in many women. The most common and easy to recognize symptom is hot flashes, sudden intense waves of heat and sweating. Some women find that these hot flashes disrupt their sleep, and others report mood changes.
Menorrhagia is menstruation at regular cycle intervals but with excessive flow and duration. It is defined clinically as total blood loss exceeding 80 mL per cycle or menses lasting longer than 7 days.
Leucorrhoea usually shows symptoms in association with other illness. Wide varieties of reasons are encountered in its causation. Commonly fungal, parasitic, bacterial and sexually transmitted diseases are the prime causative factors
This condition refers to the pain or discomfort associated with menstruation. Symptoms may begin one to two days before menses, peak on the first day of flow, and subside during that day or over several days. The pain is typically described as dull, aching, cramping and often radiates to the lower back. Other complaints like headache, vomiting can be associated.
Many cases of infertility and sterility have been treated by homeopathy. It can cure ovarian, tubal and hormonal blocks as well as sperm abnormalities in males.
Psychological Disorders
The fundamental abnormality of an affective disorder is a disturbance of mood, either depression or mania which has responded well to homeopathy which has also successfully treated conditions like anxiety, phobia, OCD, grief, memory weakness, stress & sleeplessness, post delivery & menopausal mood swings.
Tumors & Cysts
Homeopathy has proved very helpful in conditions like fibroadenoma breast, uterine fibroids, PCOD PCOS etc.
Homeopathy is truly a friend to women. It takes care of needs of women in all facets of their lives. By strengthening the immune system and helping to balance the mind and the body, homeopathy can help women feel good, be healthy and be energetic to achieve the maximum in life.
Dr. S. K. Sharma.