How can homeopathic medicines treat a genetic disorder

How can homeopathic medicines treat a genetic disorder? You need to know this
Homeopathic medicines are one of the most amazing medicinal treatment of today’s world. However, there are very few people who have faith in homeopathic medicines. People think homeopathy does not work. They think homeopathy is one of the slowest medicines. In an age where everyone needs a fast-paced solution to their problems, homeopathy does not come as a solution for those people. However, little did they know that homeopathy has solutions for different health conditions other than a usual cough, cold, and fever.
Various researches are going on to conclude how homeopathy can cure cancer. However, homeopathy is already providing solutions to genetic disorders. We will shed some light on our findings between the relation of homeopath and a genetic disorder in this article.
But before we start, here is what is a genetic disorder, and what are its symptoms?
A genetic disorder, according to experts, is a disease that can occur during sudden changes in an individual’s DNA sequence. The genetic disorder mainly emerges by the genetic changes in someone’s DNA.
Now that we know about how genetic disorder occurs, here are some symptoms of genetic disorder described below. Check them out:
- Ear abnormalities can be a symptom of a genetic disorder
- Your unusually shaped eyes may form because of your change in your DNA sequence
- The brittle or sparse hair
- Excessive body hair can also be a reason for the genetic disorder
- Large or small tongue and differently colored eyes
Now you know about the symptoms of genetic disorders, here are some common syndromes of genetic disorders we have described below.
Thalassemia is a hereditary genetic condition that will limit hemoglobin production. Something that our body naturally produces. This condition will inhibit the oxygen flow throughout the body. If both the parents are affected by the disease, there are 25 percent chances of the child or the children will inherit thalassemia. Mostly the SouthEast Asia, Middle East, Chinese and Northern African descents are mostly the carriers of this disease.
Down Syndrome:
This is one of the most typical diseases that occurs from genetic disorders. Usually, a healthy cell contains 23 chromosomes, but people with down syndrome have their 21st pair of chromosomes copied on the second time in all or some of the cells. Physicians do detailed tests such as blood tests that will detect the chromosomal materials and such substances present in the mother’s blood. It might determine if the infant will be born with down’s syndrome or not.
Sickle Cell Anemia:
This is yet another common genetic disorder. It occurs when the sickle cell is passed to their children by both their parents. This trait is commonly inherited by the people in Sub-Saharan, Indian, or Mediterranean heritage. This disease turns the red blood cells from their doughnut shape to sickle shape. It will clump the cells together and will trigger severe pain and serious complications as well.
These are some widespread genetic disorders that usually occur. Now we will talk about
How can homeopathy help to cure genetic disorders?
Homeopathy helps in genetic disorders in big time. Geno Homeopathy is a different version of homeopathy where homeopathy combines with genetics to treat medical disorders. Here is how it can help:
- It can predict your risk of getting affected with genetic disorders in the future
- It targets genes precisely for better diagnostic evolution with accurate and faster treatments
- Each patient will get their personalized treatment plans according to their genetic history
- Delay or can even prevent different medical conditions through homeopathic medicines and different lifestyle changes
- The best part of opting for these medicines are that these are safe from side-effects, painless, and safer option.
So there is what you needed to know about the genetic disorder and how homeopathy helps in treating them. Try it now.