Online Treatment
Homeopathy Online Consultation Treatment and Distance Healing Clinic

See A to Z of Disease Conditions
Important Note :
All cases (in person or online) in Ethos Body and Mind Clinic are personally supervised by Dr Sunil Kumar Sharma himself. There is no team of unseen doctors. If you are unable to visit the clinic personally or staying in a far off place you can still ‘meet or contact’ Dr Sunil Kumar Sharma by email, telephone or by cyber conference. This is done because of following reasons :
– To give professional approach to every case.
– To ensure that you ‘know’ your doctor and ‘meets’ him.
– To make sure that your case is supervised by highly qualified & experienced doctor.
– And to ensure that sacred Doctor Patient Relationship
You can also visit Ethos Advanced Clinical Homeopathy Cyber Clinic
For the benefit of people who are little away from Ethos Body and Mind Clinic or are unable to come to EBMC for some reason, we decided that we will come to you through internet and other possible modes.
Also see FAQ for some commonly asked questions.
The Process of Online Consultation
The process of online consultation is very simple and convenient. But you are requested to read it and follow instructions carefully since it involves your health. In case of any doubt, please feel free to contact us. Our normal response time is 48 hours (excluding Sundays and public holidays). The entire online consultation process involves constant interaction between EBMC and you.
Modes of Contact
– Online / Email
– Cyber Conference
– Telephonic
– Postal
Step 1 Appointment with doctor.
Write to us about your need for online consultation. Choose payment option and send applicable fees. On receiving the request and applicable fees you will be sent a questionnaire which you will be required to fill in good detail.
Questionnaire is to be filled by
a) The patient himself/herself.
b) The mother/father in case of a child.
c) In case patient is unable to give details, someone close to him/her who knows all the details about the patient and sickness must give details.
Step 2 First Consultation
The complete details along with copies of investigations undergone must then be sent to EBMC either as hard copy or electronically along with medicine and postage charges. The case will be analyzed by Dr Sunil Kumar Sharma. You will then be sent homeopathic medicines along with detailed instructions and measures for improvement of health. This will include possible medicines to help in some acute and emergency situation. All this will be sent to you by courier or FedEx.
Step 3 Follow Up / Subsequent Consultations
Our relationship doesn’t end but begins with the dispatch of medicine. You will be instructed on how to watch for progress. You will update EBMC about the progress of the case. We will provide the follow-up instructions and medicines on the basis of response as given by you. During the entire process you will remain in contact with your doctor. You will receive direct response from your doctor. In case of emergency you will get topmost priority.
You can also meet Dr S K Sharma personally at EBMC with prior appointment.
Contact Us for details
Mode of Payment
The payment can be done by any of following mode (Subject to realization)
– Account Payee Cheque (Check) / Demand Draft
– Direct Account Transfer
– Western Union Money Transfer
– Credit Card / Debit Card by Paypal
Contact Us for further instructions on payment.
The instructions for use of medicines and precautions related to them will be issued to you along with your package. In case of any doubt you are requested to contact us.
Terms and Conditions
1. Kindly read and follow the instructions carefully.
2. All appointments for consultations with Dr Sunil Kumar Sharma must be booked in advance. Expected waiting time is 7 – 10 days. In case of emergency you will be given topmost priority.
3. The consultation and medicine charges must be paid in advance. These are not refundable.
4. The medicines ordered by you / sent to you are not returnable.
5. The medicines are packaged and transported as per international standards. If found damaged, immediately repack the medicine in the original packing and return it along with complaint letter within 7 days of delivery failing which the medicine will not be accepted back. You will get the replacement at earliest possible.
6. By asking for consultation or treatment it is assumed that you have understood and agreed to the terms and conditions and given your consent for the services.
7. All disputes must be settled in New Delhi, India only.
8. All rights reserved. Ethos healthcare, Ethos Body and Mind Clinic and its Director / Authorized persons reserve the right to introduce, modify or remove any policy matter, product, service, package or scheme without giving any prior notice or reason.